Rutabaga Fries

Rutabaga fries are by FAR one of the yummiest things to eat on the Candida diet (or to eat in general). 

Necessary items:
A big freaking knife
A baking sheet
A cutting board (optional)
A flipper thing (some people call it a spatula but I'm pretty sure that's wrong)
Muscles (rutabagas are tough little buggers)

A rutabaga (more specifically, half of a rutabaga)
Olive oil (You can use coconut oil too, I'm usually just too lazy to melt it)
Curry powder (I highly suggest this, but it's not necessary. Also, get it without MSG.)
Salt (I use Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, whatever kind you've got is fine)
Cayenne (optional)

Serves: 2 people who love eating, 3 people who kind of enjoy it
Time: 20ish minutes

Instructions: Put your oven on broil. Put rutabaga on cutting board and cut it in half with your big freaking knife. (This is where your muscles come in). Preferably, don't watch someone else cut up the rutabaga... you will think they are going to sever a body part.

After the rutabaga is cut in half, place it flat side down and cut off the outer (sometimes waxy) layer. Continue removing the outer layer until the outside is the same color as the inside of the rutabaga.

Now, cut the rutabaga into fry shapes. I prefer to make mine thinner than normal fries because rutabaga can take a while to cook and I usually want to eat as soon as possible.

At this point in time you can cut up the other half of the rutabaga if you're serving more than 2 people. Otherwise, put it in a plastic bag and plop it in the fridge.

Next, place your fries on the baking sheet and pour some olive oil on top of them. I like to mix the fries around with my hands to make sure they are all covered in oil. They don't need to be drowning in it. Just enough to cover them.

Next, wash your hands. 'Cause olive oil is freaking slippery.

Now sprinkle curry powder, salt, and cayenne (if you like it hot) on your fries.

Place fries in oven and cook them until they look done. (I'm so good at being specific). I wish I could give you a more concrete cooking time, but I have used different ovens and they have all taken different amounts of time to cook the fries. Whatever you do, just KEEP AN EYE ON THEM. You don't want to burn your masterpieces. Once the top of the fries look cooked, use the flipper thing to flip them over.

(If you're really looking for specifics, my guess would be to cook them for 5 minutes, flip them, then keep checking every minute or so to see if they are done.)

When fries are done, they'll be a bit softer, kind of like the consistency of French fries. Cooked fries are a little darker in color than raw fries. Feel free to sample a fry or two as they are cooking if you're not sure if they are cooked. If your sample tastes amazing, they are done!

Remove fries from oven (don't forget to shut the oven OFF now. I know you'll be distracted because you'll wanna mau down on the yummyness before you). Put your fries on a plate and NOM!

(The above picture has rutabaga fries AND sweet potato fries AND they are kinda burned AND they are delicious. Note: Sweet potato fries aren't allowed on the strict Candida Diet but are damn good to eat when you start reintroducing new foods!)

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